We noticed during lockdown how peaceful the village was and how both nature and flowers were blooming.
This was the catalyst for a small group of people to come together and discuss ideas and share knowledge towards creating and developing a Greener Padbury.
We recognised that it is small alterations in our home, in our routine, in our gardens and outside space that can in time bring significant changes and help create a Greener Padbury. There is so much we can do, starting in our own backyards.
So we began with a pledge.
We asked people to make space for wildlife to prosper - to plant to give nature a helping hand, to avoid products that harm biodiversity, to refuse to support the peat industry that digs up some of the most effective carbon stores we have.
Our gardens offer huge potential to make a difference. By making sustainable choices, we can create a network of mini nature reserves and help our wildlife flourish.
Click here to read the pledge. Can you make it too?
Last year, we looked further afield to the Millennium Woods, and asked what we could do to help these beautiful woods fulfil their biodiversity potential. Click here to find out more.
In 2023, we have an exciting programme of events and projects in development to make Padbury greener. Watch this space for our latest news...
The Greener Padbury Group is a Registered Charity: 1198965